This is the home page for software engineer and Amateur Radio operator KA2DDO, also known as Andrew Pavlin.

Current ham radio projects include:

YAAC program logothe creation and maintenance of YAAC - "Yet Another APRS Client", a multi-platform Open Source client program for accessing the Automatic Packet Reporting System™ network from Microsoft Windows®, Apple Macintosh OS X®, Linux®, and FreeBSD®.

Andrew was first licensed in 1978 as a Novice, moved up to Technician in 1979 (and also earned his 1st Class Commercial Radiotelephone Operator's license), and finally upgraded to Amateur Extra in 2009. He is a member of:

Chester County ARES/RACES logoChester County ARES/RACES (CCAR), Pennsylvania
Mid-Atlantic Amateur Radio ClubMid-Atlantic Amateur Radio Club
American Radio Relay League logothe American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
photo of amateur radio operator KA2DDO
KA2DDO road-testing YAAC

He is currently employed as a Principal Software Engineer at Syzygy Integration LLC, and has been working with computers his entire professional career.

The website's privacy policy is documented here.