Configure Behavior
This tab of the Configure dialog specifies behavioral user preferences for YAAC.
The options that can be changed here are:
- The default amount of time a station is no longer heard before it is considered inactive and timed out, where
zero indicates that no timeout notifications should occur. Note this
only affects event notification (currently used only by the Sounds plugin) for timed-out stations. This control
does not affect the APRS-standard graying of a station at 80 minutes to indicate it is "old".
- The amount of time that dead-reckoning should be done for a moving station or object
until we assume that it is no longer transmitting data.
- The maximum amount of time that a track stripe should be drawn for a moving station.
- Whether the window backgrounds should be suitable for daytime viewing (light gray) or suitable
for viewing in dim night-time conditions (black background). Note this feature is still
experimental and does not apply to all views yet.
- Whether or not vicinity plotting should be used for stations that
have not reported their own position. Vicinity plotting uses the location of the station's first digipeater
to hear the unlocated station over RF as a "hint" for locating the station with unknown position
until that station announces its position. For more information, consult Robert
Bruninga's whitepaper on the topic. Note this also enables approximate location of "stealth"
digipeaters (those digipeaters that do not transmit their own position beacons, but use only
digipeat path tracing to transmit their callsigns for legal identification) based on the reported positions
of the originating stations using them. Stealth digipeaters are identified with the symbol
until and unless they provide a beacon with a symbol of their own.
- Whether an Aloha circle should be drawn for traffic received over APRS-IS. Generally, this can be considered
meaningless since the APRS-IS has far more bandwidth than the RF channel and doesn't have hidden
transmitter problems. However, if you want to use the APRS-IS to calculate for how much range you should
install your physical RF antenna, this circle might be useful to decide how high your antenna should be to
not saturate the local RF channel.
- Whether the transmitted beacon should automatically update its symbol to indicate
whether or not the local station is manned by an operator, and how long the operator
should be inactive before the station is considered unmanned. Note this only functions if the
station symbol is from the alternate table (backslash "\" table ID) and is not already using
an overlay (regardless of whether the overlay is for an APRS 1.2 extension symbol or not). Also, note
that any user interaction with YAAC (such as moving the mouse over a YAAC window)
is sufficient to indicate that the YAAC operator is still present.
- Specify whether YAAC should try to automatically download missing pre-imported OpenStreetMap
tiles from the author's website when the user views map areas needing the missing tiles.
- Whether packets received from a port marked as HF that do not have any digipeat aliases
(or at least none left unused) should still be digipeated to non-HF-marked RF ports. Typically,
this would be used for an HF-to-VHF cross-band digipeater.
- Whether when using tactical names (aliases) for stations, drop-down lists for selecting stations (such as for
sending text messages should not include the actual
callsign-SSID value for any station with a tactical name.
- Whether old ( > 80 minutes) packet messages should not be grayed out in tabular views.
- Whether the Raw Packets table view should use the embedded timestamp of
historical APRS messages to sort the messages, or always use the actual time of message
- Whether APRS Objects and Items created or taken over by this station should
be preserved and resumed the next time YAAC is started.
- Choose whether stations/objects specifically selected for motion-tracking should forcibly
pan the map to ensure the current position of those stations remains visible.
- Choose whether the extended APRS 1.2 symbol set should be used for displaying stations
and objects with overlay symbol table ID's. This also affects filtering by symbol for stations
using the extended symbol set.
- Choose whether alternate table symbols can use illegal overlay characters. Currently, the
Duchifat-1 satellite is the only part of the APRS network that not only allows illegal overlay
characters, but requires them for a user identification; for all other usage, this option
should be left disabled. For more information, see
- Specify whether moving the mouse wheel over a map window should zoom the map. By
default, this is enabled, but can be disabled if a mouse wheel is excessively sensitive.
- Specify a short text message that can be sent with a single menu selection to acknowledge a received APRS text message,
and specify whether the pre-recorded reply message should be sent automatically (without
human intervention) or by a popup menu selection. Note that the auto-answer message, even
if enabled, will only be sent if the operator has not input anything to YAAC for at least
the specified operator-absent interval.
- Specify whether directed messages should be transmitted out all transmit-capable ports, or
only the port that has the most direct path to the target station. The latter reduces unnecessary
transmits, but also prevents APRS-IS (if connected to it) from copying traffic sent to a local
RF station.