Configure Status
The status message is what is transmitted in the background by
YAAC to further describe your station beyond the information included
in the beacon (position) message, per the APRS specification 1.0.1,
section 16. The status message configuration panel looks like this:
The options that can be set for the status message are:
- Whether the station message is to be transmitted at all.
- Whether an automatic Maidenhead-format location or timestamp should be prefixed to the message.
- The actual text message to be sent, and (if Maidenhead is selected), what APRS
symbol should be appended to the Maidenhead locator.
- Which digipeat paths should be
used for the status message. Several standard choices are provided
(including the path of no digipeat aliases at all), but other custom
paths may be entered in the User-Defined Digipeat Path text field. If more
than one path is selected, they will be used alternately by the
proportional pathing algorithm (each lower path used half as often
as the path before it).
- Whether meteor-scatter (continuous packet burst) mode should be used. This is only applicable if the RF
transmitting port is configured for timeslotting.
- What transmission intervals the status message should be transmitted at. This overrides the application-wide
defaults set on the configuration dialog's Transmit tab. Note
that if a port the status message is being transmitted through is using timeslotting, the transmit will not
actually occur until the next timeslot after the scheduled status transmit time.
None of the changes are stored until the Save Changes button is pressed.