View Radio View
This view provides current message status in a form similar to the
Kenwood TM-D710 control head.
The display contains:
- The current count of uncleared messages received by YAAC.
- The last sending station heard by YAAC, with flags indicating
if it is a new or duplicate message from that station, and whether
it is a position message, object report, status message, or
some other type of packet.
- Whether the local GPS receiver is working.
- The last station callsign or object identifier received.
- The type of sending station (if available), inferred by
decoding the TOCALL or Mic-E model code.
- The free text of the message (if any).
- The weather data in the message (if any).
- The current station position, speed, and course (if
- The bearing and distance from this station to the heard
- The icon used to represent this station.
Options are available to cause the radio view window to automatically open at
YAAC startup (normally must be opened manually), and to only display messages received
through RF connections (normally will accept packets from any source, including
log files and APRS-IS connections).