Interface FullGeoMapIfc

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public interface FullGeoMapIfc extends GeoMapIfc
This interface defines GUI-platform-independent methods for manipulating a fully-detailed map display in YAAC.
Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
  • Method Details

    • showLayerSelectorTool

      void showLayerSelectorTool()
      Display the dialog for selecting which parts of the OpenStreetMap database should be rendered on the map.
    • showRasterMapDialog

      void showRasterMapDialog()
      Display the dialog for managing raster map images overlays on the map window.
    • regenerateTopo

      void regenerateTopo()
      Force the topographic layer to regenerate its overlay immediately.
    • displayLocateAmenityDialog

      void displayLocateAmenityDialog()
      Display the Locate Amenity dialog, and handle user input to it.
    • displayNWSActiveZonesDialog

      void displayNWSActiveZonesDialog()
      Display the Severe Weather dialog.
    • loadDrawing

      void loadDrawing()
      Load drawing overlay.
    • moveObject

      void moveObject(StationState ss, ObjectReport or, MoveObjectListener moveObjectListener)
      Graphically drag a station or object across the map to a new location, updating the object's position appropriately and converting a station to an object if needed.
      ss - StationState object describing the station or object
      or - ObjectReport to be modified by the move
      moveObjectListener - MoveObjectListener to inform when movement is over
    • setDrawToolBarVisibility

      void setDrawToolBarVisibility(boolean isVisible)
      Specify whether the toolbar for the drawing tools should be visible or not.
      isVisible - boolean true if draw toolbar should be shown
    • isGraticuleVisible

      boolean isGraticuleVisible()
      Indicate whether the graticule (latitude/longitude grid lines) are displayed on the map.
      boolean true if graticule is displayed
    • setGraticuleVisible

      void setGraticuleVisible(boolean visible)
      Specify whether the graticule (latitude/longitude grid lines) are displayed on the map.
      visible - boolean true if graticule is displayed
    • isShowTopoRegions

      boolean isShowTopoRegions()
      Report whether the topographic map overlay should be displayed as filled regions.
      boolean true if topographic overlay is displayed
    • setShowTopoRegions

      void setShowTopoRegions(boolean visible)
      Specify whether the topographic map overlay should be rendered as filled region. Note this is independent of whether there actually is any topographic data to render.
      visible - boolean true if topographic layer should be rendered as regions
    • isShowTopoContours

      boolean isShowTopoContours()
      Report whether the topographic map should be rendered as contour lines.
      boolean true if topography should be rendered as contour lines
    • setShowTopoContours

      void setShowTopoContours(boolean visible)
      Specify whether the topographic map overlay should be rendered as contour lines. Note this is independent of whether there actually is any topographic data to render.
      visible - boolean true if topographic layer should be rendered as contour lines
    • editTopoColors

      void editTopoColors()
      Invoke an editor for adjusting the colors and elevation thresholds used to render topographic map layers.
    • startLineOfSight

      void startLineOfSight()
      Enable defining a line of sight between two points on the map.
    • startLineOfSightFromMe

      void startLineOfSightFromMe(int mouseX, int mouseY)
      Show the line of sight between this station's position and the position clicked on the map, updating this station's end of the line if it moves.
      mouseX - int horizontal pixel coordinate in map
      mouseY - int vertical pixel coordinate in map
    • startLineOfSightFromHere

      void startLineOfSightFromHere(int mouseX, int mouseY)
      Enable defining a line of sight starting at the specified position on the map.
      mouseX - int horizontal pixel coordinate in map
      mouseY - int vertical pixel coordinate in map
    • startLineOfSightFromMe

      void startLineOfSightFromMe(StationState ss)
      Show the line of sight between this station's position and the station or object clicked on the map, updating both ends of the line if either moves.
      ss - StationState of station or object to trace the path to
    • isDrawWeatherAsWeather

      boolean isDrawWeatherAsWeather()
      Report whether weather stations are drawn as old-style weather map circles with a flagged barb indicating wind direction and speed.
      boolean true if weather stations should be plotted with weather map symbols, false if using APRS icon
    • setDrawWeatherAsWeather

      void setDrawWeatherAsWeather(boolean drawWeatherAsWeather)
      Specify whether weather stations should be drawn as old-style weather map circles with a flagged barb indicating wind direction and speed.
      drawWeatherAsWeather - boolean true if weather stations should be plotted with weather map symbols, false if using APRS icon
    • isDrawAge

      boolean isDrawAge()
      Report whether the time interval since last receipt of a message from or about a station or object is plotted below the station/object's name.
      boolean true if age is to be plotted
    • setDrawAge

      void setDrawAge(boolean drawAge)
      Specify whether the time interval since last receipt of a message from or about a station or object should be plotted below the station/object's name.
      drawAge - boolean true if age is to be plotted
    • isDrawSpeed

      boolean isDrawSpeed()
      Report whether the motion speed and bearing of a station or object should be plotted below the station/object's name.
      boolean true if speed is to be plotted
    • setDrawSpeed

      void setDrawSpeed(boolean drawSpeed)
      Specify whether the motion speed and bearing of a station or object should be plotted below the station/object's name.
      drawSpeed - boolean true if mobile station speed and course is to be plotted
    • isDrawDeadObjects

      boolean isDrawDeadObjects()
      Report whether Objects that have been "killed" are plotted on the map.
      boolean true if "killed" Objects are plotted
    • setDrawDeadObjects

      void setDrawDeadObjects(boolean drawDeadObjects)
      Specify whether Objects that have been "killed" should still be plotted on the map.
      drawDeadObjects - boolean true if "killed" Objects should be plotted
    • isDrawAlohaCircle

      boolean isDrawAlohaCircle()
      Report whether aloha circles (optimal maximum RF transmission range for the local station before causing excessive collisions) are plotted on the map.
      boolean true if aloha circles are drawn
    • setDrawAlohaCircle

      void setDrawAlohaCircle(boolean drawAlohaCircle)
      Specify whether aloha circles (optimal maximum RF transmission range for the local station before causing excessive collisions) should be plotted on the map. Note these will only appear if the local station has RF ports that can have collisions.
      drawAlohaCircle - boolean true if aloha circles should be drawn
    • isDrawDeadReckoning

      boolean isDrawDeadReckoning()
      Report whether deadreckoning position updates for moving stations and objects are calculated and the positions offset and deadreckoning vectors plotted when the stations and objecfts are drawn.
      boolean true if deadreckoning is plotted
    • setDrawDeadReckoning

      void setDrawDeadReckoning(boolean drawDeadReckoning)
      Specify whether deadreckoning position updates for moving stations and objects should be calculated and the positions offset and deadreckoning vectors plotted when the stations and objecfts are drawn.
      drawDeadReckoning - boolean true if deadreckoning should be plotted
    • getMaxAgeDRStation

      long getMaxAgeDRStation()
      Get the maximum time that dead reckoning will be projected for a station (self-transmitter).
      maximum dead reckon interval in milliseconds
    • setMaxAgeDRStation

      void setMaxAgeDRStation(long maxAgeDRStation)
      Set the maximum time that dead reckoning will be projected for a station (self-transmitter).
      maxAgeDRStation - maximum dead reckon interval in milliseconds
    • getMaxAgeDRObject

      long getMaxAgeDRObject()
      Get the maximum time that dead reckoning will be projected for an object (non-self-transmitter).
      maximum dead reckon interval in milliseconds
    • setMaxAgeDRObject

      void setMaxAgeDRObject(long maxAgeDRObject)
      Set the maximum time that dead reckoning will be projected for an object (non-self-transmitter).
      maxAgeDRObject - maximum dead reckon interval in milliseconds
    • getMaxAgeDRSpecialObject

      long getMaxAgeDRSpecialObject()
    • setMaxAgeDRSpecialObject

      void setMaxAgeDRSpecialObject(long maxAgeDRSpecialObject)
    • isDrawDF

      boolean isDrawDF()
      Report whether direction-finding cones are plotted from stations reporting DFS vector information
      boolean true if direction-finding cones are drawm
    • setDrawDF

      void setDrawDF(boolean drawDF)
      Specify whether direction-finding cones should be plotted from stations reporting DFS vector information
      drawDF - boolean true if direction-finding cones should be drawm
    • isDrawNWSMultiLine

      boolean isDrawNWSMultiLine()
      Report whether encoded polylines (generally used for National Weather Service severe weather regions) are plotted on the map.
      boolean true if multilines are plotted
    • setDrawNWSMultiLine

      void setDrawNWSMultiLine(boolean drawNWSMultiLine)
      Specify whether encoded polylines (generally used for National Weather Service severe weather regions) should be plotted on the map.
      drawNWSMultiLine - boolean true if multilines should be plotted
    • isShowSevereWeatherZones

      boolean isShowSevereWeatherZones()
      Indicate whether severe weather zone boundaries should be drawn on the map.
      boolean true if zones should be drawn
    • setShowSevereWeatherZones

      void setShowSevereWeatherZones(boolean showSevereWeatherZones)
      Specify whether severe weather zone boundaries should be drawn on the map.
      showSevereWeatherZones - boolean true if zones should be drawn
    • isDrawAllTrackStripes

      boolean isDrawAllTrackStripes()
      Indicate whether all moving stations should have track stripes plotted.
      boolean true if all moving stations should have track stripes
    • setDrawAllTrackStripes

      void setDrawAllTrackStripes(boolean drawAllTrackStripes)
      Specify whether all moving stations should have track stripes plotted.
      drawAllTrackStripes - boolean true if all moving stations should have track stripes
    • isKeepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen

      boolean isKeepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen()
      Report whether the map should auto-pan to keep specifically tracked mobile stations on the map.
      boolean true if map should pan to keep tracked stations on the map
    • setKeepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen

      void setKeepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen(boolean keepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen)
      Specify whether the map should auto-pan to keep specifically tracked mobile stations on the map.
      keepSpecificallyTrackedStationsOnScreen - boolean true if map should pan to keep tracked stations on the map
    • clearAllSpecificTrackStripes

      void clearAllSpecificTrackStripes()
      Clear the plotting of all specific station/object track stripes.
    • addSpecificTrackStripe

      void addSpecificTrackStripe(String identifier)
      Add the identifier of a single station or object whose track stripe is to be plotted.
      identifier - String station or object identifier
    • removeSpecificTrackStripe

      boolean removeSpecificTrackStripe(String identifier)
      Remove the identifier of a single station or object whose track stripe is no longer to be plotted.
      identifier - String station or object identifier
      boolean true if identifier was removed
    • isSpecificallyTracked

      boolean isSpecificallyTracked(String identifier)
      Test if a given identifier is on the tracking list.
      identifier - String station or object identifier
      boolean true if this identifier is marked for track stripe display
    • isSpecificallyTracking

      boolean isSpecificallyTracking()
      Test if any identifiers are on the tracking list.
      boolean true if any stations are specifically tagged for tracking
    • getMaxTrackDuration

      long getMaxTrackDuration()
      Get the maximum duration of a track stripe in milliseconds.
      maximum plotted track duration in milliseconds
    • setMaxTrackDuration

      void setMaxTrackDuration(long maxTrackDuration)
      Set the maximum duration of a track stripe in milliseconds.
      maxTrackDuration - maximum plotted track duration in milliseconds
    • isDrawDigipeatHops

      boolean isDrawDigipeatHops()
      Report if digipeater hop paths are drawn for stations.
      boolean true if digipeater hop paths are drawn for stations
    • setDrawDigipeatHops

      void setDrawDigipeatHops(boolean drawDigipeatHops)
      Specify whether digipeater hop paths should be drawn for stations.
      drawDigipeatHops - boolean true if digipeater hop paths should be drawn for stations
    • isDrawHeatMap

      boolean isDrawHeatMap()
      Report if heat maps are drawn for stations.
      boolean true if heat maps are drawn for stations
    • setDrawHeatMap

      void setDrawHeatMap(boolean drawHeatMap)
      Specify whether heat maps should be drawn for stations.
      drawHeatMap - boolean true if heat maps should be drawn for stations
    • panZoomToWeatherZone

      void panZoomToWeatherZone(int zoneRowIndex)
      Pan and zoom the map to show a specific severe weather zone.
      zoneRowIndex - zero-based row index into the table of severe weather zones
    • getLastElapsedPaintTime

      long getLastElapsedPaintTime()
      Return the amount of time (in milliseconds) for the last station render.
      elapsed time in milliseconds for last StationRenderer run
    • getLastNumDrawnObjects

      int getLastNumDrawnObjects()
      Return the number of Objects (non-transmitters) rendered in the last station render.
      count of rendered Objects
    • getLastNumDrawnStations

      int getLastNumDrawnStations()
      Return the number of stations (transmitters) rendered in the last station render.
      count of rendered stations
    • copyLocationToClipboard

      void copyLocationToClipboard(int mouseX, int mouseY)
      Copy the mouse cursor's position on the map to the system clipboard as a CSV-formatted latitude,longitude string in fractional degrees North,East. If the current view is not a map, do nothing.
      mouseX - int pixel X coordinate of mouse click
      mouseY - int pixel Y coordinate of mouse click
    • getLatLonOfMouseClick

      double[] getLatLonOfMouseClick(int mouseX, int mouseY)
      Convert pixel coordinates on the map window into a latitude and longitude value pair.
      mouseX - int zero-based X coordinate within the map widget
      mouseY - int zero-based Y coordinate within the map widget
      array of latitude [0] and longitude [1] corresponding to the pixel coordinates