Package org.ka2ddo.yaac.gui
package org.ka2ddo.yaac.gui
This package contains classes implementing the Java AWT/Swing version of the graphical user interface (GUI) of YAAC. All windows, panels, and YAAC-specific GUI widgets are defined in this package sub-hierarchy.
ClassDescriptionThis provides common boilerplate for tile usage views.This model allows spinning for a specific Age value.This singleton class contains various GUI-related APRS constants, such as color codings for symbols.This interface defines methods on an object that contains an indexed list of messages.DocumentListener to restrict message length to fit in a protocol-specific APRS text message.This class displays a flashing set of pointers on the map, indicating some location deserves special attention.This enumeration specifies the mode for plotting GUI backgrounds.This class displays the current bandwidth travelling through a particular portConnector.This class manages the list of beacon identifiers recognized by YAAC for a particular transmission port.This displays a compass bearing of the direction and distance to a station.This class makes the list of digipeater blacklisted callsigns visible as an editable table view by implementing a Swing TableModel.This class implements a color-changing indicator driven by a PortConnector to indicate the state of the driver.This class implements a bulletin board display of all the bulletins and NWS notices currently outstanding on the network.These document filters automatically upshifts lowercase text.This class defines a chat window for doing SMS-type chatting with a single other station over APRS using Message packets.This tag interface marks a subclass of java.awt.Window that is rigged to self-close when it loses focus.This is a helper class for the common operation of closing a window widget when commanded to by the user.This is a helper class for the common operation of closing a window widget when commanded to by the user.This interface defines an extra method used to indicate a TableModel wants to give a newly created table hints regarding column width.Constants shared by customized table and list cell renderers in YAAC.This class defines the GUI for editing the application configuration.This presents the current list of AX.25 connected sessions managed by this process's AX.25 stack as a table view.This class does default sounds for YAAC.This class manages the list of digipeat aliases allowed by YAAC for a particular digipeating port.This class manages the list of digipeat aliases recognized by YAAC.This class defines a GUI sub-panel for editing digipeat path choices.Interface for extension to
to draw extra details if requested.This class implements a table model for tracking incoming DX reports.This class displays a JDialog containing all the defined Filters.EnumListLocalizedRenderer<T extends Enum>ListCellRenderer for JComboBoxes displaying enumerations that have localized names.This dummy class reports what choices the user has for first windows, then terminates YAAC.This interface is for window displays that can be first windows for YAAC, where the GUI has to be established before the menus can be created.This interface identifies a map layer that contains cached data that should be flushed if the raw map data storage directories are modified for any reason.This is a place to keep the font choices used for some of the GUI rendering in YAAC.This interface reports to uses of the ConfigurePreferences font selections that a font choice has changed.This class extends the JMenu class to ensure font changes are propagated into the subsidiary JPopupMenus and JMenuItems.This class extends the JMenuBar class to ensure font changes are propagated into the subsidiary JMenus.This class defines a map window for YAAC, using Java AWT/Swing and the OpenMap library to provide the graphical interface and manage user input to the map.This abstract class provides the infrastructure for adding a layer to the map, so that YAAC plugins can insert other layers at appropriate Z-levels into this map.This interface extends the GeoMapIfc to add a few methods that require knowledge of the underlying GUI map implementation.Parent abstract class to allow a glass pane to be told about the MapBean in the overlain Window.Panel for specifying the upper or lower bounds for selecting records from a YAAC GPS log file.This class displays the current state of the GPS receiver as a non-modal dialog.This class displays the current state of the associated GPS receiver as a tabbed pane.Display the current numeric GPS statistics values as received from a GPS receiver.Plot the local-sky-relative locations of the GPS satellites in use by the GPS receiver.This class provides graphical rendering support for NWS MultiLine encoded poly-figures.This singleton class is a caching container for all the types of station symbols supported by APRS.This class collects a symbol icon image with read-only attributes of the symbol that are commonly used but expensive to compute.Interface specifying this object has a dynamically changeable help tag, and should be queried each time the tag is needed.This class displays the current health of selected stations in the APRS, OpenTRAC, and generic AX.25 nets.This interface defines a common means by which TableModels in this view can provide the entire row in a single call.Generic table RowFilter used to allow only stations matching a particular functional category to be visible in the JTable, even though all types exist in the underlying MonitoredStationList.TableModel reporting the most recent time an I-gate or digipeater has apparently performed its duty as an I-gate or digipeater.TableModel reporting the current recentness of "up" status of all configured stations.This class defines a dynamic table model for reporting traffic rates from different stations seen by this station.This class implements the basic functionality for launching help from a Help button.This class provides static methods for loading icon images from the distro's JAR file.This class displays asynchronously-initiated error messages from the I/O back-end.Refactored functor for use in extracting the ShowLabelsInEnglish attribute of the maps.This provides a sortable, filterable situational status display, attempting to emulate the Kenwood D710 control head's LIST view, as a backing TableModel for a JTable view.This panel displays the most recently received message in a format similar to the Kenwood TM-D710 control head.The class provides an editing and control UI for the keys managed by this program.This class presents the contents of the KeyManager's collection of signature keys on a Swing table.Provide a displayer/editor for a latitude or longitude value.This class displays a generic line graph..This pane collects a LineOfSightPanel together with border decoration JLabels.Define a callback so other data structures can be updated when one of the AGL sliders is manually updated by the user.This panel displays a side-view plot of the straight-line propagation path between two points on the map, using the SRTM topographic data (assuming it is available).Enums specifying the view modes for the StationListViewer model.This class provides the table information for displaying all locally managed Objects/Items.This class defines the service functions for the Java AWT/Swing GUI of YAAC.This class handles an inbound AX.25 connection as a keyboard-to-keyboard Chat session, just as in the old packet radio days.Listener to update anAbstractTileUsagePanel
when a latitude control changes.Listener to update anAbstractTileUsagePanel
when a longitude control changes.This panel prompts for the information needed for sending an APRS text message.Handler to shut down search selections when search dialog is closed.TableModel for displaying searches for geographical locations as OpenStreetMap Nodes or Ways.Table click listener to pan an associated map to view a selected GenericTaggedNode.Listener to update anAbstractTileUsagePanel
when a radius control changes.This class defines a simple memory status indicator which shows current heap usage and provides a button for forcing immediate garbage collection.This class defines the filters and UI for selectively capturing the contents of Messages.This dialog displays all messages addressed to this station or broadcast to the general public.Static functor helper class for foregrounding the MessageFrame on programmatic request.This class manages the list of callsigns (station and tactical) that are considered for local delivery here.This class implements a TableModel for monitoring received APRS messages (actual directed or broadcast text messages, code ':').This class provides the filtering of raw SnifferTableModel data based on the current settings of the filters.This panel contains the fields necessary to compose and send a APRS message to an arbitrary recipient.This interface indicates a geographical map or a layer within that can use the mouse wheel to control zooming the map.This glass implements a GlassPane over the map, so that a ghost of the dragged station's icon can be moved around with the cursor.This class implements a spinner model that handles multiple disjoint ranges of numbers.Display and edit a JTree node representing a point-of-interest type in the OpenStreetMap data.TableCellRenderer for Boolean values that supports a null (rather than TRUE or FALSE) value.This class allows a user to create or update the information regarding an Object or Item.This class is a table model for viewing all the historical messages received about a given object, as stored in its associated StationState object.Services for looking up OpenTRAC symbols and translating them to and from APRS symbols.This panel displays the current contents of the OSM tile directory tree in terms of which tiles are populated on the system.This class displays all the outstanding messages that have been transmitted by this YAAC instance.This class provides a selector for overlay characters for an APRS symbol.This class defines a popup dialog for selecting a port when the user didn't pick a port from a JTable previously.This class defines a popup window with information about a selected list of stations.Enum defining sorting order for multiple stations/objects at a single point.This class defines a popup window with information about a selected list of OpenStreetMap Nodes and Ways.This class provides the GUI infrastructure for configuring a interface port.This label displays a current updated position of the mouse cursor on the MapBean.This class implements a generalized progress dialog with a progress bar.This class defines a solid Stroke which alternates widths of the line between a narrow width (the "rail") and a wide width (the "tie").This panel manages the list of raster map images displayable on the main map window.This enum defines a display mode for tabular packet display.This class defines a separate window for viewing raw message traffic.This class defines a scrolling table view for monitoring raw AX.25 frames.This class provides the filtering of raw RawPacketTableModel data based on the current settings of the filters.This class wraps the SnifferDataModel with a Java Swing TableModel.This interface specifies additional methods a Filter should implement to allow the contents of the filter dataset to be saved to a file.This class is a wrapper around a pair of characters representing an APRS symbol.This class defines a ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer for several different data types that represent combinations of station type icons and strings.This provides a sortable, filterable situational status display, as a backing TableModel for a JTable view.This provides a sortable, filterable situational status display, as a JTable wrapped in a JFrame for GUI rendering.This class draws APRS station symbols on a OpenMap MapBean object.ListCellRenderer for JComboBoxes displaying Strings representing enumerations that have localized names.This interface defines a source for custom TableCellRenderers when a generic JTable is being fed an arbitrary TableModel.This class persists changes made to JTable TableColumnModels by the user.This class extracts the background data for reporting current telemetry data from telemetering stations.TableModel reporting the most recent weather information reported by configured weather stations.This class collects the localized mappings of to-call patterns to sender descriptions.Data structure containing the description and capabilities of an APRS station with a specific tocall.This class implements a rendering Layer for OpenMap that draws topography on the MapBean based on the binary tiled map data obtained from the US Geological Survey's SRTM3 project.Object representing a rendering color and corresponding elevation level in meters.This class edits the colors, step levels, and step intervals used for drawing topographic lines and regions with the TopoLayer class.This panel displays the current contents of the topographic tile directory tree in terms of which tiles are populated on the system.This singleton table model manages UI access to theWatchedStationsTracker
.This class defines a TableModel for viewing the status of stations TX-IGated by this station.This class provides services to: test if the currently running version of YAAC is out-of-date, download a new distribution of YAAC, start the upgrader utility, and shut down this instance of YAAC, remove the used new distribution file once the new instance is started.This class displays the current state of the weather station as a non-modal dialog.This class manages persisting the location and size of windows in the YAAC application.This interface defines a callback for the WindowPersister to report when top-level YAAC windows are created and destroyed.This class creates a GUI panel for entering a short e-mail message for transmission to the APRS WinLink servers.This panel of widgets is a replacement for the default zoom controls provided with OpenMap.