There are several reasons why YAAC may not start on a particular computer:
The types of maps supported by YAAC are both vector and raster maps.
The OpenStreetMap data is vector-based, and can be zoomed to any arbitrary level and seen just as clearly, because it will be redrawn from scratch at the current zoom level to look good. Also, YAAC is smart enough to leave out extremely fine details when zoomed out to cover a large area, and reintroduce those fine details as the map is zoomed in enough to distinguish those elements.
The U.S. Geological Survey's Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission elevation data is raster data; as you zoom in, it will start to appear "chunky" as the size of a single piece of map data becomes a noticeable part of the screen area. Similarly, other raster maps like the US National Weather Service radar map and arbitrary raster overlays will also become "chunky" when zoomed in closely.
YAAC has been deliberately designed not to depend on any Internet-based map server as a realtime map data source. It is intended to be usable in situations where the Internet is not accessible (such as emergency conditions or other field operations), and therefore only uses mapping capabilities that are self-contained within the computer running YAAC. Even the weather radar overlay capability stores the current weather map on the local computer for rendering (and will simply not display the weather map if it cannot be downloaded).
You may not have installed any OpenStreetMap or SRTM data on your computer. Download and import OpenStreetMap data, or copy pre-processed tiles from the YAAC author's website, or download SRTM terrain data from the U.S. Geological Survey.
You may have misconfigured the directory for the map tiles to point to a place where no map tiles exist.
You may not have map tiles for the area of the Earth currently being viewed in the YAAC map window (for example, there are no streets in the middle of the ocean, or you may have done only a partial map install). Note that the area you are viewing may be automatically changed if you receive an APRS packet with EMERGENCY status, as the default behavior of YAAC in such cases is to pan the map to the location where that station is located to aid you in providing assistance to that station.
YAAC may have added support for new OpenStreetMap features to the map data provided on the YAAC author's website, but you are still running an old version of YAAC that does not support those new features. You will need to upgrade your version of YAAC.
You may have turned off displaying geographical maps in the View->View Map Layers->Select Geographical Map Layers dialog.
OpenStreetMap data is enormous, since it provides street-level map data for the entire planet. As such, it takes time to analyze all that data and convert it into efficient map tiles.
However, YAAC's author has already converted the current OpenStreetMap data into YAAC tiles and has made it available for download from the File->OpenStreetMap->Download Pre-Imported Tiles menu choice, which is significantly faster than downloading the original compressed XML or PBF file and doesn't require any later processing because it has already been processed. So, unless you need OpenStreetMap data that is more recent than what the author has provided, or for some reason have to use an old version of YAAC that does not support current tile formats, we recommend you just download copies of his tiles.
The U.S. Geological Survey has "throttled" their website to protect against Denial Of Service attacks. As such, YAAC must download their SRTM files one at a time to prevent being blocked as an attacker.
To help in detecting emergency situations, when YAAC detects a station reporting emergency status, it will automatically pan the map to center on the reporting station and briefly display flashing red arrows pointing at the station. This will happen whenever a station is reporting emergency status in one of three ways:
Note that this may cause some false alarms, as some stations are reporting that they are located at an EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER or EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (rather than using the abbreviations EOC and EMS), when they are not actually at emergency status. As such, please do not use that word in your comments or select Mic-E emergency status unless you really mean you have an immediate emergency regarding life or property that needs someone else to respond to it.
If there are misconfigured stations in your region that still insist on reporting emergency status when they do not have an emergency, you can turn off the auto-pan feature on the expert-mode Configuration dialog's Behavior tab.
Note that, except for the Outgoing Messages window, YAAC only displays APRS traffic that your station receives, not what it transmits. So you will not see any traffic originated by your station except, if you are listening on RF, any packets that a local digipeater repeats back to you. The APRS-IS Internet servers never send back any packets that your station sends to them.
This big yellow circle identifies your Aloha range, which is the maximum distance your station can safely transmit directly over RF without saturating the RF channel (i.e., reaching too many digipeaters). It is a function of the station density (number of transmitting APRS stations) in your local vicinity on the same channel, the number of those stations that are digipeaters, and the number of other objects and items reported in your area on that channel. The Aloha range is drawn as a dashed yellow circle if your station has not heard enough other stations and objects to estimate the Aloha limit, or a solid circle at the Aloha limit. The Aloha limit is an approximation, based on assumptions about recommended transmission rates for different types of stations, and assuming equal omnidirectional propagation; it does not use terrain data or actual transmission rates to adjust the calculated range. Note that if your PHG-estimated or actual range exceeds the solid Aloha circle, you may wish to lower your antenna or reduce your power output to prevent channel congestion.
For further information, consult WB4APR's discussion on the subject at
One of the optional parts of the map display is the ambiguity circles. These plot the area a station could be in, given the possibly coarsened resolution of its position information. Although YAAC does not support reducing precision of its reported position, other APRS applications do support dropping the finest resolution digits of the position data. If you select the View->View Maps Layers...->Show Ambiguity option, these circles will be displayed as translucent ovals in the most common color of the icon image for the station.
The problem occurs when dead-reckoning is also enabled, and a rapidly moving mobile station shuts down without transmitting a final position with zero speed (or simply goes out of range). The ambiguity circle is automatically enlarged to account for the last reported speed of motion, since YAAC will not know the actual current position of the mobile station until it beacons again. As such, the ambiguity circle for the station will continue to grow until the dead-reckoning timeout. Since airplane icons are in dark gray, and the car icon is outlined in black, both can cause gray circles to grow to cover the screen if YAAC loses reception of the beacons while the other stations are still moving rapidly.
There are several possibilities for this.
Linux and other Unix-based operating systems have fine-grained access control to prevent random users from accessing physical hardware devices
and possibly interfering with proper system usage. As such, the account you are using to run YAAC
must be authorized read/write access to the appropriate serial port devices (/dev/ttyXXXX
before YAAC can open the devices. Typically, this requires that your login account be a member of the Unix
group that owns the serial port devices (usually called "dialout", "tty", or "uucp").
Have your system administrator grant your account memberships in this group, and the
problem should go away. The typical administrative command to do this is (must be done as root):
usermod -G dialout -a yourusername
Note you will have to log out and log back in again for the new group memberships to take effect.
Another possible cause of the problem is running YAAC on a non-Intel-CPU computer. The JSSC library used by YAAC to access serial port devices requires native machine code, and YAAC only ships with the JSSC native code for a few operating systems (Microsoft Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, Linux 32-bit and 64-bit on Intel processors, Solaris on Intel processors, Apple Macintosh OS X 10 32-bit and 64-bit) on Intel-compatible CPUs, and ARM processors (Linux O/Ss using both soft-float and hard-float). For other CPUs (such as the Sun SPARC processor) and operating systems (such as FreeBSD), you will need to manually install your operating system distro's version of JSSC and copy it into the YAAC/lib directory in place of the generic JSSC library shipped with YAAC.
For other operating systems that do not include JSSC in their distro, you may have to download the latest version of JSSC source code, and compile and install JSSC yourself; consult your operating system's documentation.
There are several reasons why YAAC is receiving garbled data from your GPS receiver instead of proper NMEA-0183 sentences:
and -n
options to prevent it from switching the GPS receiver to binary mode.Note these comments also apply to other software that emulates AGWPE, such as DireWolf and UZ7HO soundmodem.
It can. To access the APRS-IS backbone, you need to open a port of type APRS-IS, get a valid passcode for your callsign (contact the YAAC author), and enable the port for transmission.
An I-Gate is a digipeating station that relays APRS packets between the APRS-IS backbone and local RF. As such, it needs both a transmit-enabled APRS-IS port to connect to the backbone, and an RF port (such as Serial_TNC or AGWPE) with a radio to be able to hear and transmit to other local RF stations. For more information, read this tutorial on YAAC I-gating.
If you don't see stations appearing in the Show TX IGated Stations table view, there's probably a good reason for it. Note that stations will only appear in this table if all of the below conditions are met:
Once all of those conditions are met, the second station will appear in your Tx-I-gate table as a station that your station has forwarded to RF (and you will have recorded the packet with your third-party wrapper in your transmit log file as being sent to your RF port).
", which will indicate
that your I-gate was the station to forward the packets to the APRS-IS backbone.
There are four pre-requisites that have to be configured correctly before YAAC can function as a digipeater:
Also, is your radio correctly connected to the TNC or sound card (as appropriate)? YAAC can send frames to the TNC all it wants, but if the TNC can't push the radio's Push-To-Talk switch, it will never transmit.
You may not have enabled beaconing (the Enabled checkbox on the Beacon tab of the expert-mode configuration dialog).
You may have specified GPS-based beaconing, and there isn't a GPS receiver port defined, or the GPS receiver is not currently producing a valid position fix.
You may not have enabled any TNC or APRS-IS ports for transmitting.
The particular beacon may not be selected for any TNC or APRS-IS ports. Multiple beacons can be defined to identify the station differently on the different ports of a cross-band digipeater or I-gate.
You may have set your beacon initial rate to 0, which specifies beaconing only by explicit manual command. Note this is required in some operating modes (such as HF APRS on the 60-meter band channels in the United States). Note that manual-only beaconing is separately configured per beacon if you have multiple beacons defined for different ports.
The age displayed below the callsign for each station on the map, and in the Station/Object view, is not the time since the station last transmitted a message; it is the time since YAAC last received a message from that station or about that object/item. As such, you will not see an age (or it will not reset to zero) if you are not receiving messages from that station. That includes your own station; if you are not hearing RF digipeaters echoing your station's packets, you will not see an age reset to zero (i.e., you just heard something). Note you will never hear your own station through your own APRS-IS connection.
For you to be able to send a query or a message to another station, you have to be able to transmit APRS packets. As such, you must have at least one I/O port defined that is enabled to transmit APRS, such as a Serial_TNC port to RF, or an APRS-IS port to the Internet backbone. These menu choices are not displayed if you don't have the capability to implement them. Note that the menu choices will not automatically appear because you have added or modified such a port; you will have to restart YAAC, so that the port definitions exist at the time the menus are created.
Note also that the standard APRS "broadcast" queries, which search for all stations of a particular type within communications range, are restricted to RF usage only. APRS-IS only YAAC deployments must not and will not issue these queries because every station on the planet would be obliged to answer you.
Either you have changed filter options to stop showing those stations, or the station/object information has exceeded the configured maximum age before the station is discarded. See the Miscellaneous tab in the Edit Filter dialog or the General tab in the expert-mode Configuration dialog to change the expiration time.
Click the Locate menu and select "Station or Object". You can enter the callsign, or select it from the drop-down in the displayed dialog box. Then click OK and the map will center on the location of the station (or former location for expired data) and flashing green arrows will highlight the station's most recent location (if it exists).
You can also double-click the mouse on the station or object's row in the Station Status or Object Status tables (as appropriate).
The station may not have transmitted position information yet.
Until it does, the station will be plotted on the map with a
"vicinity location", randomly near the first digipeater to
hear it. If that digipeater has not provided position information
either, the station will be displayed at latitude/longitude (0, 0)
(off the western coast of central Africa) until such a time as position
information for the station is received. The
button will pan the map to (0, 0)
so you can see the non-located stations.
There are several ways to report an issue with the YAAC software or request a feature enhancement: