View Channel Timelines

The channel timelines view displays the actual time-wise occupancy of each channel as a tabbed set of graphs of time usages of the channel overall and by each transmitting station, where the usages are color-coded to indicate the packet category:
 unknown types of packets (including connected-mode) not categorizable in the below categories
 position packets (including Mic-E and Maidenhead), excluding weather reports with position
 object and item reports
 status reports (including capability responses)
 text messages
 weather messages (including position reports for weather stations)
 telemetry messages (including position reports with Base-91 telemetry)
 invalid messages (syntax error, unrecognized type, etc.)
 all other types of APRS messages

Note that the timelines do not report the amount of channel bandwidth wasted due to collisions, as the TNCs (software or hardware) do not report collision intervals. It is unlikely that a channel is capable of exceeding 50% capacity unless a strict discipline such as timeslotting is used by all stations to avoid collisions.

If the expert-mode Configuration dialog's Behavior tab specifies that Aloha circles should be calculated for the APRS-IS feed, then a tab will be added here to display the received APRS-IS traffic. Note that the timelines for APRS-IS may show considerable (and incorrect) packet overlap, as the Internet can usually send packets much faster than the normal 1200-baud VHF channel, especially for a feed larger than the local RF Aloha circle.