YAAC 1.0-beta209(28-Feb-2025) Help Index
- ADS-B port, configuring
- age of stations
- aircraft, viewing
- alias
- Aloha circle
- ambiguity, position
- APRS mode (Kenwood)
- APRSlink
- arrows, flashing
- authenticating stations
- AX.25
- bandwidth
- BBS, local packet
- BBS, packet
- beacon
- behavior of YAAC
- blacklisting stations
- bookmark
- boresite (for direction finding)
- bulletins
- Byonics TinyTrak
- callsign database sources
- channel statistics
- channel timelines
- chat session
- circle
- coast of Africa
- comma-separated value file
- command-line options
- configuring YAAC
- connected-mode AX.25
- console log
- CoT
- crosshair
- CSV file
- Cumulus
- Cursor-on-Target
- Davis Vantage Pro weather station
- day mode
- dead-reckoning
- debug log
- default APRS-IS filter
- demonstration
- desktop shortcuts
- destination
- digipeater
- direction finding
- DireWolf
- downloading
- drawing on map
- Duchifat1 satellite
- DX
- dynamic objects
- Earthdata, NASA
- elevation
- email
- email service provider
- emergency
- error log
- ESRI shapefile
- extending YAAC with plugins
- external message source
- file TNC
- filter
- filtering messages
- first window
- flashing alert
- forcing immediate beacon transmission
- freeze screen
- frequently asked questions
- GKRELAY command on Byonics TinyTrak
- Google maps
- gray map
- Hamlib-controlled radios
- HamWAN
- hanging while looking up licensee
- health of remote stations
- heard stations
- heat map
- I-Gate
- I2C
- importing OpenStreetMaps
- inbound connected-mode AX.25
- installing YAAC
- Java serialized objects
- JSON (for GPSD)
- JSSC library
- Kantronics KPC3
- Kenwood
- keyboard control of map
- KISS mode TNC
- KISS-over-TCP
- landmark
- ldsped
- license
- line of sight
- Linux serial port problems
- loading station license database
- Local Packet BBS
- locate
- logging
- macros
- MADIS posting
- MADIS quality checks
- Maidenhead locator
- map controls
- maps
- maritime vessels, viewing
- MCP, Kenwood
- MD5
- memory usage
- menus
- message content, filtering by
- messages
- Mic-E
- monitoring health of stations
- multiple configuration profiles
- my packets, where are
- NASA Earthdata
- National Weather Service
- Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- night mode
- NMEA-0183
- non-encrypted HTTP
- objects
- omni-DF (direction finding)
- OpenStreetMap
- OpenTRAC
- operator is present
- Outernet receiver
- OUTNET alias
- Packet BBS (PBBS)
- Packet BBS, local
- Packet mode (Kenwood)
- packets, where are my
- panning the map
- Peet Bros.
- planet.openstreetmap.org
- plugins, extending YAAC with
- popup menus
- ports
- position ambiguity
- postal addresses
- preferences
- printing
- priority precedence
- privacy policy
- profiles, multiple configuration
- purging obsolete QRZ.COM data
- queries
- radar, weather
- radius
- range limit
- raspi-config
- raster map
- raw messages
- relay
- release notes
- remote GPS
- repeater finding
- routes
- sample plugin
- saving map view
- sending text messages
- serial ports, unable to see
- severe weather zones
- shape files, NWS AWIPS
- shortcuts on desktop
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
- signing messages
- Sivan Toledo's soundmodem
- small screen
- Smart Beaconing
- sniffer
- special precedence
- speech
- SSL-authenticated APRS-IS
- stations
- statistics
- status message
- stealth digipeater
- symbol
- system hang during OpenStreetMap import
- tactical callsign
- Team Awareness Kit
- telemetry
- telemetry alarms
- terminal node controller
- testing digipeater
- testing I-gate
- TH-D72
- timelines, channel
- timeslotted packet transmission
- TinyTrak, Byonics
- TM-D710
- tocall
- topographic data
- tuning
- UDP submit
- UIView .pos files
- upgrading YAAC
- US Geological Survey
- UZ7HO soundmodem
- vessels
- vicinity plotting
- viewing AREDN propagation paths
- viewing license information
- weather
- web server
- where are my packets?
- whitelist
- WinLink
- WXNOW.TXT file
- Yaesu
- zooming the map